Tag Archives: Baby Shower Ideas

Raindrop and Umbrella Themed Baby Shower

28 Jan

January has been a month full of hosting out-of-town baby showers. First was the Big Top Baby Shower for one of my best friends. This past weekend I co-hosted a “sprinkle” in Houston for my sister-in-law, full of clouds, raindrops, and umbrellas. We used a color palette of blues, grey, silver and white.

Raindrop and Umbrella Baby Shower www.gustoandgraceblog.com

I made clouds out of white tissue paper and raindrops from different blue and silver paper scraps.

Raindrop and Umbrella Baby Shower www.gustoandgraceblog.com Light Blue Candy Bar

My co-host created a candy bar as favors for the guests.

Raindrop and Umbrella Baby Shower www.gustoandgraceblog.com #candybar #babyblue #babyboy

I loved the bunting for the circus shower, so I used it as a template for a banner for this shower too, using paper that matched the raindrops.  Raindrop and Umbrella Baby Shower www.gustoandgraceblog.com

I put together a tower of blue foods including marbled meringues, umbrella shaped spritz cookies, and cloudlike angel food cupcakes. The biggest hit of the shower may have been a caramel-toffee fruit dip made by my co-host.

Parmesan Custard in Egg Cups

Raindrop and Umbrella Baby Shower www.gustoandgraceblog.com

For savory treats I made Parmesan custard in egg cups, babybel cheese umbrellas, and spinach artichoke phyllo cups (not pictured).

Raindrop and Umbrella Baby Shower Onesie Decorating Activity www.gustoandgraceblog.comRather than playing baby shower games  we supplied the guests with onesies, fabric markers, and iron-ons to decorate onesies for my new nephew. I wish I had taken pictures of some of the decorated onesies.

If you’re hosting a baby shower, consider theming it around the nursery decor so that party decorations can be sent home with the mom to use in the baby’s room.

Thanks for reading,


A Big Top Baby Shower

14 Jan

This past weekend I had the honor of throwing one of my best friends a baby shower. I opted to go for a circus theme.

For the circus invitations, I used printable ones from One Charming Party. I printed wishes for baby cards in yellow from Lauren Makes. Had I thought ahead a little more I would have purchased Dr. Suess’s If I Ran the Circus  and used it as a guestbook. I looked for one a couple of days before the shower at my local bookstore with no success.

Circus Baby Shower Buffet www.gustoandgraceblog.comThe big top above the buffet is actually made to go over a crib, so it doubled as a gift for mom and baby. 

Circus Party Food www.gustoandgraceblog.comSince I was hosting the shower away from home, I opted for an easy menu of mostly pre-made items and creatively renamed them to fit the theme. The menu included Nutter Butters, cotton candy, animal crackers, licorice, red gumballs, mini corn dogs on skewers, a popcorn bar, monkey bread, and cupcakes.

Circus Baby Shower www.gustoandgraceblog.com Circus Party Popcorn Bar www.gustoandgraceblog.com Circus Baby Shower www.gustoandgraceblog.com

Disappointingly, I left my Ferris wheel cupcake holder in Austin. I made do with one my sister had left at my mom’s for my lingerie shower.
Circus Party Clown Nose Straws www.gustoandgraceblog.comI found these amazing clown nose straw toppers at Hobby Lobby.

Circus Baby Shower www.gustoandgraceblog.comI used chalkboard jars from Anthropologie for ketchup and mustard for the mini corn dogs. 

Popcorn Hydrangeas for Circus Baby Shower www.gustoandgraceblog.comPlaced in red and whited striped containers, Hydrangeas resemble popcorn.

Circus Baby Shower www.gustoandgraceblog.com

I almost forgot to get a picture with my friend, so we snapped a quick one, squinting in the sun, right as she was about to leave. Doesn’t the mom-to-be look great? She’s seven months along with just a bitty bump. My outfit was my best attempt at circus attire. You can’t tell, but my necklace is elephants “holding hands, by holding tails.” My brother got it for me for Christmas and I love it.

I can hardly wait to meet baby Jonathan!